No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Csf::AngleRepresents an angle value
 Csf::AudioResourceBase class for classes that require an audio device
 Csf::BlendModeBlending modes for drawing
 Csf::SoundStream::ChunkStructure defining a chunk of audio data to stream
 Csf::ClockUtility class that measures the elapsed time
 Csf::Event::ClosedClosed event subtype
 Csf::ColorUtility class for manipulating RGBA colors
 Csf::Listener::ConeStructure defining the properties of a directional cone
 Csf::SoundSource::ConeStructure defining the properties of a directional cone
 Csf::ContextSettingsStructure defining the settings of the OpenGL context attached to a window
 Csf::Shader::CurrentTextureTypeSpecial type that can be passed to setUniform(), and that represents the texture of the object being drawn
 Csf::CursorCursor defines the appearance of a system cursor
 Csf::DrawableAbstract base class for objects that can be drawn to a render target
 Csf::EventDefines a system event and its parameters
 Csf::Event::FocusGainedGained focus event subtype
 Csf::Event::FocusLostLost focus event subtype
 Csf::FontClass for loading and manipulating character fonts
 Csf::FtpA FTP client
 Csf::GlResourceBase class for classes that require an OpenGL context
 Csf::GlyphStructure describing a glyph
 Csf::HttpA HTTP client
 Csf::Joystick::IdentificationStructure holding a joystick's identification
 Csf::ImageClass for loading, manipulating and saving images
 Csf::Font::InfoHolds various information about a font
 Csf::SoundFileReader::InfoStructure holding the audio properties of a sound file
 Csf::InputSoundFileProvide read access to sound files
 Csf::InputStreamAbstract class for custom file input streams
 Csf::IpAddressEncapsulate an IPv4 network address
 Csf::Event::JoystickButtonPressedJoystick button pressed event subtype
 Csf::Event::JoystickButtonReleasedJoystick button released event subtype
 Csf::Event::JoystickConnectedJoystick connected event subtype
 Csf::Event::JoystickDisconnectedJoystick disconnected event subtype
 Csf::Event::JoystickMovedJoystick axis move event subtype
 Csf::Event::KeyPressedKey pressed event subtype
 Csf::Event::KeyReleasedKey released event subtype
 Csf::Event::MouseButtonPressedMouse button pressed event subtype
 Csf::Event::MouseButtonReleasedMouse button released event subtype
 Csf::Event::MouseEnteredMouse entered event subtype
 Csf::Event::MouseLeftMouse left event subtype
 Csf::Event::MouseMovedMouse move event subtype
 Csf::Event::MouseMovedRawMouse move raw event subtype
 Csf::Event::MouseWheelScrolledMouse wheel scrolled event subtype
 Csf::OutputSoundFileProvide write access to sound files
 Csf::PacketUtility class to build blocks of data to transfer over the network
 Csf::Rect< T >Utility class for manipulating 2D axis aligned rectangles
 Csf::RenderStatesDefine the states used for drawing to a RenderTarget
 Csf::RenderTargetBase class for all render targets (window, texture, ...)
 Csf::Http::RequestHTTP request
 Csf::Event::ResizedResized event subtype
 Csf::Ftp::ResponseFTP response
 Csf::Http::ResponseHTTP response
 Csf::Event::SensorChangedSensor event subtype
 Csf::SocketBase class for all the socket types
 Csf::SocketSelectorMultiplexer that allows to read from multiple sockets
 Csf::SoundBufferStorage for audio samples defining a sound
 Csf::SoundFileFactoryManages and instantiates sound file readers and writers
 Csf::SoundFileReaderAbstract base class for sound file decoding
 Csf::SoundFileWriterAbstract base class for sound file encoding
 Csf::SoundRecorderAbstract base class for capturing sound data
 Csf::Music::Span< T >Structure defining a time range using the template type
 Csf::StencilModeStencil modes for drawing
 Csf::StencilValueStencil value type (also used as a mask)
 Csf::StringUtility string class that automatically handles conversions between types and encodings
 Csf::SuspendAwareClockAndroid, chrono-compatible, suspend-aware clock
 Csf::Event::TextEnteredText event subtype
 Csf::TimeRepresents a time value
 Csf::Event::TouchBeganTouch began event subtype
 Csf::Event::TouchEndedTouch ended event subtype
 Csf::Event::TouchMovedTouch moved event subtype
 Csf::Transform3x3 transform matrix
 Csf::TransformableDecomposed transform defined by a position, a rotation and a scale
 Csf::GlResource::TransientContextLockRAII helper class to temporarily lock an available context for use
 Csf::U8StringCharTraitsCharacter traits for std::uint8_t
 Csf::Utf< N >Utility class providing generic functions for UTF conversions
 Csf::Vector2< T >Class template for manipulating 2-dimensional vectors
 Csf::Vector3< T >Utility template class for manipulating 3-dimensional vectors
 Csf::VertexPoint with color and texture coordinates
 Csf::VideoModeVideoMode defines a video mode (size, bpp)
 Csf::View2D camera that defines what region is shown on screen
 Csf::WindowBaseWindow that serves as a base for other windows