Enumerator |
RestartMarkerReply | Restart marker reply.
ServiceReadySoon | Service ready in N minutes.
DataConnectionAlreadyOpened | Data connection already opened, transfer starting.
OpeningDataConnection | File status ok, about to open data connection.
Ok | Command ok.
PointlessCommand | Command not implemented.
SystemStatus | System status, or system help reply.
DirectoryStatus | Directory status.
FileStatus | File status.
HelpMessage | Help message.
SystemType | NAME system type, where NAME is an official system name from the list in the Assigned Numbers document.
ServiceReady | Service ready for new user.
ClosingConnection | Service closing control connection.
DataConnectionOpened | Data connection open, no transfer in progress.
ClosingDataConnection | Closing data connection, requested file action successful.
EnteringPassiveMode | Entering passive mode.
LoggedIn | User logged in, proceed. Logged out if appropriate.
FileActionOk | Requested file action ok.
DirectoryOk | PATHNAME created.
NeedPassword | User name ok, need password.
NeedAccountToLogIn | Need account for login.
NeedInformation | Requested file action pending further information.
ServiceUnavailable | Service not available, closing control connection.
DataConnectionUnavailable | Can't open data connection.
TransferAborted | Connection closed, transfer aborted.
FileActionAborted | Requested file action not taken.
LocalError | Requested action aborted, local error in processing.
InsufficientStorageSpace | Requested action not taken; insufficient storage space in system, file unavailable.
CommandUnknown | Syntax error, command unrecognized.
ParametersUnknown | Syntax error in parameters or arguments.
CommandNotImplemented | Command not implemented.
BadCommandSequence | Bad sequence of commands.
ParameterNotImplemented | Command not implemented for that parameter.
NotLoggedIn | Not logged in.
NeedAccountToStore | Need account for storing files.
FileUnavailable | Requested action not taken, file unavailable.
PageTypeUnknown | Requested action aborted, page type unknown.
NotEnoughMemory | Requested file action aborted, exceeded storage allocation.
FilenameNotAllowed | Requested action not taken, file name not allowed.
InvalidResponse | Not part of the FTP standard, generated by SFML when a received response cannot be parsed.
ConnectionFailed | Not part of the FTP standard, generated by SFML when the low-level socket connection with the server fails.
ConnectionClosed | Not part of the FTP standard, generated by SFML when the low-level socket connection is unexpectedly closed.
InvalidFile | Not part of the FTP standard, generated by SFML when a local file cannot be read or written.